If you've you've been part of a successful team please describe its structure by relating it to the various structures discussed in the chapter, starting on page 100 with one boss. Then also discuss your team in terms of Katzenbach and Smith's distinguishing features of high functions teams, which starts on page 107. If you've never been part of a successful team in all your experience you have two options. a) Write about a team that was only moderately successful or unsuccessful that you were on and address the same questions as above but, of course, some of this will be in the negative. b) Write about a team you are aware of from viewing it on TV, or seeing it in the movies, or some other way where you've become well acquainted with it. Then perform the above exercise on that team. In all of this please give enough background info so I can understand what is going on. Also note that in years past students have focused on team structure as the determinant of tea...
I am a student in Professor Arvan's Econ 490, writing under an alias to protect my privacy, using the name of a famous economist as part of the alias.